Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Big blog changes!

Hello cherished readers,
earbuds & ticket stubs has undergone a makeover! After a few months of consideration, it became clear that E&TS had outgrown its training wheels and needed to adapt to fit the times. Namely, to allow its sole contributor (yours truly) time to sleep and eat sometime during my upcoming 7 year stint as a MA/PhD student. 
Let me outline some of the house cleaning that’s been done:
  1. Hosted by Tumblr (i.e. not here; look at the URL): quicker and shorter updates = less long winded blurbs that normal blog formats would dictate. In fact, this post will hopefully be the most text you’ll ever read on the blog from this point on.
  2. Bad news: less original content. Good news: more links to free music.
  3. Linked sources: less informational overload = less time spent searching for what’s interesting to you.
  4. Bookmark bar: find links to my original content, including Youtube, Flickr and 8tracks, at the top of the website. I hope you’ll take a bit of time to check them out!
  5. Preset layout with minimal stylistic adjustments = less time dealing with webmastery stuff = more time for content (and sleep).
  6. earbuds & ticket stubs will no longer be Vancouver-centric in content, as I will be relocating from Vancouver to Fredericton, truly rocking from coast to coast. 
In the end, the song remains the same— I aim to bring you timely music content from the perspective of a music lover, with the ultimate focus of connecting amazing (Canadian) artists with the people who appreciate their art. Thanks for all of your amazing support of earbuds & ticket stubs thus far, and I hope you enjoy the changes!
Please feel free to email me any comments or suggestions at brendahlee (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

NEW VIDEO : Mother Mother - "The Stand"

Vancouver's Mother Mother has (quietly) released a new video for their song "The Stand" from their yet-to-be-released album Eureka. The video captures the song (and listeners' reactions) quite aptly... Rorschach tests, phallic symbols, strait jackets-- "everyone's f*cked and they don't even know."
